Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Video Interviews on the Main Road


Out of this postering process inspired an impromptu canvassing on the community on true love via interviews with local community members and school personnel. Rae and Xiomara, one of our students, interviewed the two women who lived/worked down the road and reported that the women felt that all partners fail us, and that what’s most important in thinking about true love is love for yourself. One man, Santos, on his way to run an errand was stopped. He commented that true love only came through suffering. Another man working on the building construction of the school, said that true love for him was lost, it went away a year ago, into the arms of another. Local little ones shook their heads and said they didn’t know what true love was. The counselor at the school said that there are all kinds of love and that school is about learning that love goes beyond romantic love. Xiomara was a great interviewer, asking our essential question to each person. It was fascinating to watch the students really take the lead on the video and postering process. We weren’t sure at times if they were with us; this last stage of the process convinced us that they’d been with us the whole time. As we walked through the community after class we smiled as we observed the juxtaposition of the students hand made posters beside the faded advertisements for sodas and snacks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

100% choked up by the responses by community members on true love. oof.